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Discover Pandas

Luc Luc Follow on Github Sep 10, 2020 · 97 mins read
Discover Pandas
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Why Pandas ?

To create a machine learning model, we need to apply the underlying algorithm on some training data (more on this in Lecture 5). For this to work, we need to have a specific data structure to pass as input.
Most traditional ML models require a 2D data-structure, just like a matrix. A numpy.array can be used for that purpose. Each row define an observation (more on this in Lecture 5), types of observations might depend on our designed problem. Each column display a caracteristic for each of these observations.
Now, imagine such 2D data structure, maybe you would want to first name your columns and rows, analogously to a spreadsheet or SQL table, then inspect your data, handle missing values, do some processing on it (e.g. retrieve number of streets out of the street name), combine with other related, 2D, data from different sources, quickly perform descriptive statistics, do some computations on columns, on rows, or even within groups of observations sharing some common arbitrary caracteristic, quickly display trends from your computations.
Also, dealing with initially less structured, clean and complete data, consists in most of the time spent by the data scientist. Sometimes the data you’re being given doesn’t have such 2D representation and you would want to have some helpers functions to perform the conversion.

In either cases, Pandas package and its DataFrame object comes in handy.

Three important Pandas’ data-structures

From the pandas docs, which give a nice overview of the package:

pandas.DataFrame is a 2-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types. You can think of it like a spreadsheet. It got rows and columns’ labels (pandas.Index objects). Each column is a pandas.Series.

Pandas is built on top of Numpy, hence sharing some optimizations from the latter, as well as closely related API.

In the rest of this tutorial we will mainly work on the DataFrame class, although we first need to introduce the 2 other core data structures mentioned sooner: the Series and the Index, as they are each constitutive of DataFrame and the former share also similarly named methods and behaviors with the DataFrame class.



one-dimensional array of indexed data.

0    3
1    2
2    1
dtype: int64

with explicit index definition !


serie_1 = pd.Series([3,2,1], index=[93,129, 219394])
93        3
129       2
219394    1
dtype: int64
Int64Index([93, 129, 219394], dtype='int64')

Series as a dictionnary-like object

A dictionnary-like, object with possible keys index repetition.

serie = pd.Series([3,2,1], index=["rené", "rené", "jean"])

We display a series.

rené    3
rené    2
jean    1
dtype: int64

We can show the values, a numpy typed array.

array([3, 2, 1])

and show the keys index !

Index(['rené', 'rené', 'jean'], dtype='object')

Here the 4 basic dict operations work seamlessly the same for a Series.

  • Access by key index:
rené    3
rené    2
dtype: int64
  • Set a new key index:value pair
serie['joseph'] = 5
  • Change a value for a given key index.
serie['rené'] = 4

Notice the broadcoasting of the integer here in case of multiple same index for the given value.

rené      4
rené      4
jean      1
joseph    5
dtype: int64

You can also pass a sequence of elements with a matching length with the index multiplicity number.

serie['rené'] = [4,3]
rené      4
rené      3
jean      1
joseph    5
dtype: int64
  • delete a key index:value pair
del serie["rené"]
jean      1
joseph    5
dtype: int64

You can also do lookups on indexes, using the same syntax as for dict keys.

print('rené' in serie) #in the indexes, same syntax as for dict keys
print("jean" in serie)
  • When index is unique, pandas use a hashtable just like dicts : O(1).
  • When index is non-unique and sorted, pandas use binary search O(logN)
  • When index is non-unique and not-sorted, pandas need to check all the keys just like a list look-up: O(N).

You can also do some other things you would not be able using dict primitive, like slicing.

serie[0:4:2] # indexing: not possible in a simple dict 
jean    1
dtype: int64

The similarity with dict is although so close you can use a dict in the pd.Series constructor. This automatically create the indexes from the keys in the dict and the values from the corresponding values in the dict. Note: the index:value order in the newly created pd.Series can be slightly different for different concomittent versions of Python and Pandas. Pandas >= 0.23 conserve the insertion order from the underlying dict argument, although you still Python versions above 3.6 to maintain dict keys’insertion order (use OrderedDict for versions before).

test = pd.Series(dict(zip(["ea","fzf","aeif"], [2,3,2])))
# with zip or using a dict
test2 = pd.Series({"ea":2, "fzf":3, "aeif":2}, index=["ea"])
aeif    2
ea      2
fzf     3
dtype: int64
ea    2
dtype: int64

If multiple different types reside in a Series, all of the data will get upcasted to a dtype that accommodates all of the data involved.

test2 = pd.Series({"ea":2, "fzf":3, "aeif":"zf"}, index=["ea"])
ea    2
dtype: object
test2 = pd.Series({"ea":2, "fzf":3, "aeif":2.4}, index=["ea"])
ea    2.0
dtype: float64

dtype=object means that the best common type infered representation for the contents of the pd.Series is “a Python object”. (Everything is object in Python see Lecture 2!).
This also means a performance drop, any operations on the data will be done at the Python level. Python for-loops will be performed, checking the actual type of each ‘object’ for the operation one want to perform on the input vector (1)

Selection in Series


A Series mask is a Series as a collection of indexes:boolean-values, which can be later used to filter-out elements from another Series, based on the falsy evaluated values for each index in the former.

Performing a comparison on a Series creates a mask of same shape, with indexes from the original array along with true or false results originating from the element-wise comparisons from your original comparison expression.

aeif    False
ea      False
fzf      True
dtype: bool
aeif    True
ea      True
fzf     True
dtype: bool

Since numpy arrays support vectorized calculations (more on that later) and does not contain arbitrary unlike typed elements as for lists, you can use the & bitwise operator, a element-wise version of the logical and.

# not "and" but "&" : & operator is a bitwise "and"
(test>2) & (test < 4) 
aeif    False
ea      False
fzf      True
dtype: bool

You can see the result is still a Series, but this time of boolean values (check the dtype !)

type((test>2) & (test < 4) )

We can later keep it in as a ‘mask’ variable, it is particularly useful when a lot comparisons should be given a meaningful name (e.g. mask variable here could be lower4greater2 for example).

# mask ( the last expression whose result is an pd.Serie stored in the variable mask)
mask = (test>2) & (test < 4)
fzf    3
dtype: int64


We can also select a value for a given index, as highlighted in the introductory section on Series. Although we should take extra care when doing so: the previous notation, e.g. serie['rené'], makes use of the names of the indexes we explicitly defined earlier.

Fancy indexing

This is just a fancy word for selecting multiple indexes, provisioning a list of indexes.

# fancy indexing (<=> selecting multiple indexes using a list of indexes)
test[["ea", "fzf"]]
ea     2
fzf    3
dtype: int64

Slicing and the confusion of explicit vs implicit indexes

This is another word for selecting a subset of an original array (or even list), based on an interval constructed using a start, stop and [step] elements.

For Series, we can slice a Series by 2 ways:

  • using the names we explicitly defined (or defaulted as integer-based indexes creation) for the index at Series creation time, for start and stop values.
  • using implicit start and stop values for the index. By implicit we mean integers which define the order of appearance of the index itself, taking caution that the first element is of index 0 in Python.

  • Explicit index slicing:
#  (using the labels of the indexes)
test["aeif": "fzf"]
aeif    2
ea      2
fzf     3
dtype: int64
  • Implicit index slicing (using integers i.e. order of appearance):
test[0: 2]
aeif    2
ea      2
dtype: int64
  • using explicit indexes while slicing include the final index

  • using implicit index in slicing exclude the final index

What about i defined at creation time a Series with integer index values and i want to slice them ? 🙄

serie2 = pd.Series({1:4, 2:8, 3:51})
1     4
2     8
3    51
dtype: int64

Here you see that for indexing, the explicit index is used, i.e. “element of index defined as 3”, but for slicing it is takes elements from the 2nd indexed element to the 3rd, excluded, indexed element, no matter what value of index the elements are.

serie2[3] # indexing: defaults to select explicit index /  with label 3
serie2[2:3] # slicing: defaults to select implicit indexes

3    51
dtype: int64

Loc and Iloc accessors

These accessors give a great alternative from default, albeit confusing, slicing behaviors with respect to the indexes’values.

Using loc property:

This forces indexing and slicing using the explicitly defined index values:

serie2.loc[1] # indexing: on explicit index
serie2.loc[2:3] # slicing: on explicit index

2     8
3    51
dtype: int64
Using iloc property:

This forces indexing and slicing using implicit indexes i.e. order of appearance of the elements from 0 (1st element) to n-1 (last one). This also means you will never use something else in iloc accessors than integers.

serie2.iloc[1] # indexing: on implicit index
serie2.iloc[2:3] # slicing: on implicit index

3    51
dtype: int64
serie2.loc[1:5] # slicing: explicit index 
serie2.iloc[1:5] # slicing: implicit index 
1     4
2     8
3    51
dtype: int64

2     8
3    51
dtype: int64
serie2.loc[[1,2]] # fancy indexing
serie2.iloc[[1,2]] # fancy indexing 
1    4
2    8
dtype: int64

2     8
3    51
dtype: int64


A serie being an-indexed array, it then maintain a well-known implementation feature from numpythat infers about the overall representation of the data within the array: the dtype.

Recall that infering the data representation which accomodates all elements in the array is what enables, in case, for example, of numerical data (integers, float), to not only stored the values as C integers (avoiding the overhead introduced by Python primitive types) but also to perform efficient operations on the C for-loop level, as it is not required to dynamically type-check every single elements of the array and find which function to dispatch accordingly.

%timeit np.arange(1E6, dtype="int").sum()
1.14 ms ± 142 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit np.arange(1E6, dtype="float").sum()
1.25 ms ± 17.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
s = pd.Series(['The', 3, 'brown', 'fox'])
0        TheThe
1             6
2    brownbrown
3        foxfox
dtype: object
array(['The', 3, 'brown', 'fox'], dtype=object)

Link. Creating an array with dtype=object is different. The memory taken by the array now is filled with pointers to Python objects which are being stored elsewhere in memory (much like a Python list is really just a list of pointers to objects, not the objects themselves).

%timeit np.arange(1E6, dtype="object").sum()
77.8 ms ± 4.15 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)

Index object

can be sliced or indexed

…just like an array, because it is indeed an one-dimensional array.

Int64Index([1, 2], dtype='int64')

have sets’ operations

By this we mean it does have common bitwise operatoin

serie2.index & {1, 5}
Int64Index([1], dtype='int64')
serie2.index ^ {1,5}
Int64Index([2, 3, 5], dtype='int64')

are immutables

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-1096-707f9cda8675>", line 1, in <module>

  File "/Users/lucbertin/.pyenv/versions/3.5.7/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/", line 4260, in __setitem__
    raise TypeError("Index does not support mutable operations")

TypeError: Index does not support mutable operations


The “main thing” of this lecture that we are going to use intensively in the rest of this lecture:

  • sequence of “aligned” Series objects (sharing the same indexes / like an Excel file).

  • each Series object is a column.

  • Hence pd.DataFrame can be seen as dictionnary of Series objects.

  • Flexible rows and columns’ labels (Index objects for both).


serie1 = pd.Series({"Luc": 25, "Corentin":29, "René": 40})
serie2 = pd.Series({"René": "100%", "Corentin": "25%", "Luc": "20%"})
# dictionnary of pd.Series
df = pd.DataFrame({"note": serie1, 
                   "charge_de_travail": serie2})
charge_de_travail note
Corentin 25% 29
Luc 20% 25
René 100% 40
# index objects on both columns and rows
Index(['Corentin', 'Luc', 'René'], dtype='object')

Index(['charge_de_travail', 'note'], dtype='object')

If you pass an index and / or columns, you are guaranteeing the index and / or columns of the resulting DataFrame. Thus, a dict of Series plus a specific index will discard all data not matching up to the passed index.

df2 = pd.DataFrame({"note": serie1, 
                    "charge_de_travail": serie2}, 
                   index=["Corentin", "Luc", "Julie"],
                   columns=["note", "autre"])
# filled with NaN ("Not A Number") 
# when no value exist for the given (row_index, column_index)
note autre
Corentin 29.0 NaN
Luc 25.0 NaN
Julie NaN NaN

The DataFrame can be constructed using a list of dictionary.

  • each dict element is a row.
  • each key of each dict refers to a column.
df2 = pd.DataFrame([{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'b': 3, 'c': 4}])
a b c
0 1.0 2 NaN
1 NaN 3 4.0
pd.DataFrame([(1, 1, 3), (1, 2,4), (1,1,1)],
             columns=["a", "b", "c"],
            index=["Jean", "Jacques", "René"])
a b c
Jean 1 1 3
Jacques 1 2 4
René 1 1 1

You can also create a DataFrame by using pandas methods for reading supported file format, e.g. using pd.read_csv method.

Shape property

(3, 2)

shape: tuple of the number of elements with respect to each dimension

  • For a 1D array, the shape would be (n,) where n is the number of elements in your array.

  • For a 2D array, the shape would be (n,m) where n is the number of rows and m is the number of columns in your array

accessing a column/Serie by key :

Accessing columns

As DataFrame is seen like a dictionary of Series / columns, you can access one of them using the corresponding key column’index !

Corentin    29
Luc         25
René        40
Name: note, dtype: int64

Using the attribute notation is not advised especially for assignements as some methods or attributes of the same name already exist in the DataFrame class’ own namespace.

Corentin    29
Luc         25
René        40
Name: note, dtype: int64

Indexing or Slicing

Indexing works the same way as for Series, but you have to account this time for the second dimension

df.loc_or_iloc[ dim1 = rows, dim2 = columns]

df.iloc[:3, :1] # implicit indexing
Corentin 25%
Luc 20%
René 100%

columns slicing/indexing is optional here, without specifying it, you select only rows

charge_de_travail note
Corentin 25% 29
Luc 20% 25
René 100% 40
df.loc["Corentin":"Luc","charge_de_travail":"note"] # explicit indexing
charge_de_travail note
Corentin 25% 29
Luc 20% 25

same thing here, only rows selected

charge_de_travail note
Corentin 25% 29
df.loc[["Corentin", "Luc"], :] # mixing slicing and fancy indexing
charge_de_travail note
Corentin 25% 29
Luc 20% 25

Something to mention here: by default, without using accessors like loc and iloc, indexing or fancy indexing directly df, performs the indexing on its columns.

df[["charge_de_travail"]] # indexing directly df defaults to columns
Corentin 25%
Luc 20%
René 100%

Finally, of course you can set a new value for an element on some (row_index, column_index) using either of those accessors:

df.iloc[0,2] = np.nan


You can also use masking here and draw comparisons on a Dataframe level (e.g. df > 3), or on Series/column level, e.g. df["sexe"] == "Homme", df["age"] > 18.
In the first case, the resulting object will be a DataFrame filled with boolean values. In the second one, as before, a Series with boolean values.

A difference here using Series as a mask is that filtering a DataFrame using only true evaluated values from a Series (a 1D indexed-array then), keeps the entire rows as you may have multiple aligned Series/ columns for one given Index (with a true value).

Slicing using slice notation (::), or masking is performed on rows by default.

mask = df["charge_de_travail"]=="25%" 
Corentin     True
Luc         False
René        False
Name: charge_de_travail, dtype: bool

Note that the Series-like mask, having the explictly defined indexes from the original one, you can still use df.loc upon filtering.

df[mask] # masking directly df is operated on rows
# same as df.loc[mask]
charge_de_travail note
Corentin 25% 29
df[:3] # slicing directly df is operated on rows
charge_de_travail note
Corentin 25% 29
Luc 20% 25
René 100% 40

Operations between DataFrames

What about multiplying all elements from a DataFrame by 2?
What about adding 2 DataFrame ?

We first need to distinct 2 types of operations into binary and unary operations:

  • 3 - 2 <=> substract(3,2) <=> binary operation (2 inputs)
  • -2 <=> neg(2) <=> unary operation (one input)
  • sin(2) <=> unary operation (one input)

in Pandas :

  • unary operations on dfs elements preserve the indexes.
  • binary operations on elements from 2 dfs align the operations on the indexes. These behaviors come from numpy ufuncs (universal functions i.e. vectorized functions i.e. that take the whole vector as input, applying the function element-wise) which can be used for DataFramess too.
import numpy as np 
rng = np.random.RandomState(42) # for reproducibility
data = rng.randint(0,10, (3,4)) # creating an array of random integer values
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
0 1 2 3
0 6 3 7 4
1 6 9 2 6
2 7 4 3 7
df2 = pd.DataFrame(rng.randint(0,10, (4,4)))
0 1 2 3
0 7 2 5 4
1 1 7 5 1
2 4 0 9 5
3 8 0 9 2

We will use for the later example of summation between 2 DataFrames, reindex just to rearranged indexes of df2 (this does not change the association indexed-value !)

df2 = df2.reindex([1,0,2,3]) #just to show rearranged indexes (does not change the association with the indexed data)
0 1 2 3
1 1 7 5 1
0 7 2 5 4
2 4 0 9 5
3 8 0 9 2
df + df2
0 1 2 3
0 13.0 5.0 12.0 8.0
1 7.0 16.0 7.0 7.0
2 11.0 4.0 12.0 12.0
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN

on line of index 0, 7+6 = 13 which shows indexes had been aligned during the binary operation

also notice the union of the indices during the binary operation. If one may not exist in either of the dataframes and the result can’t be evalutated, NaN fill the concerned entries

df.__add__(df2, fill_value=25) # used in the binary operation 25+8 = 33)
0 1 2 3
0 13.0 5.0 12.0 8.0
1 7.0 16.0 7.0 7.0
2 11.0 4.0 12.0 12.0
3 33.0 25.0 34.0 27.0

Operations between Series and Dataframe

Performing an operation between a Serie and a DataFrame implies performing an operation between data structures of different shapes, hence implying numpy broadcasting.

From the Numpy docs:

Broadcasting is how numpy treats arrays with different shapes during arithmetic operations. Subject to certain constraints, the smaller array is “broadcast” across the larger array so that they have compatible shapes. Broadcasting provides a means of vectorizing array operations so that looping occurs in C instead of Python

The only requirement for broadcasting is a way aligning array dimensions such that either :

  • aligned dimensions are equal (so that operations are done on an element-by-element basis from 2 arrays of same shape)
  • one of the aligned dimensions is 1 (in other words, dimensions with size 1 are stretched or “copied” to match the dimension of the other array)

Operations between pandas.Series and pandas.DataFram then respect the numpy broadcasting rules:

If the two arrays differ in their number of dimensions, the shape of the one with fewer dimensions is padded with ones on its leading (left) side.’ (2)

df.shape, df.iloc[1].shape, df.iloc[1][np.newaxis, :].shape
((3, 4), (4,), (1, 4))
0 1 2 3
0 6 3 7 4
1 6 9 2 6
2 7 4 3 7
0    6
1    9
2    2
3    6
Name: 1, dtype: int64
df - df.iloc[1] #row-wise (1,4) copied other 3 times => (3,4)
0 1 2 3
0 0 -6 5 -2
1 0 0 0 0
2 1 -5 1 1
df - df.iloc[1].sample(4) # again: kept the index alignements during computation
0 1 2 3
0 0 -6 5 -2
1 0 0 0 0
2 1 -5 1 1

if you want to do it columnwise and not row wise

df.__sub__(df.iloc[1], axis=0) # caution, the indexes operations will be based on the column indexes
0 1 2 3
0 0.0 -3.0 1.0 -2.0
1 -3.0 0.0 -7.0 -3.0
2 5.0 2.0 1.0 5.0
3 NaN NaN NaN NaN
df.columns = ["a","b",0,"d"]
a b 0 d
0 6 3 7 4
1 6 9 2 6
2 7 4 3 7
a    6
b    9
0    2
d    6
Name: 1, dtype: int64
df.__sub__(df.iloc[1], axis=0) 
# based on the column indexes
# only 0 match with one of the column index label
a b 0 d
0 4.0 1.0 5.0 2.0
1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 NaN NaN NaN NaN
a NaN NaN NaN NaN
b NaN NaN NaN NaN
d NaN NaN NaN NaN

Close API with Series and numpy

The DataFrame object, constituted of Series object and being also an ‘enhanced version’ of a numpy array, no wonder why a major part of the API for one can be reused for the other.

Here are just example of reused methods or properties (you’ve seen other ones in the course like loc and iloc for instance):

df[0].shape, df.shape
((3,), (3, 4))
df2 = df - pd.DataFrame([(1,2), (4,5), (9,19)], columns=["a","b"])
0 a b d
0 NaN 5 1 NaN
1 NaN 2 4 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15 NaN
# NaN is a floating-point value, 
# hence the Series embedding it gets its dtype upcasted to float (if it were an int)
# this pd.Series supports fast operations contrarily to a Series of dtype=object
# because Python needs to type check dynamically every time
a         int64
b         int64
0         int64
d         int64
notes    object
dtype: object
Name          object
id_account    object
id_client     object
dtype: object

Managing missing values

This is a real asset of pandas Dataframe in comparison to numpy(which would find other strategies for handling missing values during computations, using classes like “masked arrays”).
Managing missing values, either by dropping or imputing them based on some type of criteria, is an crucial step you should always document during your data scientist experiments. It is always a hot spot in areas such as Statistics or Machine Learning.
A mishandling of NA values can definitely have an impact on your results or greatly lower your model performance trained on the data.

pd.Series([2, np.nan]).isnull()
0    False
1     True
dtype: bool
df2.iloc[0,2] = np.nan
0 a b d
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN
0 a b d
0 True False True True
1 True False False True
2 True False False True
pd.Series([2, np.nan]).dropna()
0    2.0
dtype: float64
df2.dropna(axis=1) # drop a column when contains one NA value
df2.dropna(axis=0) # drop a row when contains one NA value
df2.dropna(axis=1, how="all") # drop a column when contains all NA value
df2.dropna(axis=1, thresh=3) # drop a column if below 3 non-NA value
0 a b d
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN
0 5
1 2
2 -2
0 a b d
a b
0 5 NaN
1 2 4.0
2 -2 -15.0
0 5
1 2
2 -2
df2.fillna(value=2) #fill NA with specified value
# fill NA backwards 
# i.e. using the following non-null element
# to fill preceding NA ones
# defaults on rows basis
df2.fillna(method="bfill", axis=1) # on column basis
0 a b d
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN
0 a b d
0 2.0 5 2.0 2.0
1 2.0 2 4.0 2.0
2 2.0 -2 -15.0 2.0
0 a b d
0 NaN 5 4.0 NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN
0 a b d
0 5.0 5.0 NaN NaN
1 2.0 2.0 4.0 NaN
2 -2.0 -2.0 -15.0 NaN


data = {('group1', 'Luc'): 18,
        ('group2', 'Jean'): 23,
        ('group1', 'Seb'): 17,
        ('group1', 'René'): 4,
        ('group2', 'Alex'): 4,
        ('group3', 'Sophie'): 25,
        ('group2', 'Camille'): 2 }
serie = pd.Series(data)
group1  Luc        18
        René        4
        Seb        17
group2  Alex        4
        Camille     2
        Jean       23
group3  Sophie     25
dtype: int64
group1    18
dtype: int64
Luc     18
René     4
Seb     17
dtype: int64
group1  Luc       18
group2  Jean      23
group3  Sophie    25
dtype: int64
# creating the multi-index using cartesian product
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([['group1', 'a', 'b', 'b'], ["Luc", 2, 1, 2]])
serie.reindex(index) # works for multi-index too !
# Conform Series to new index with optional filling logic, placing
# NA/NaN in locations having no value in the previous index
group1  Luc    18.0
a       2       NaN
b       1       NaN
        2       NaN
dtype: float64
# hierarchical indices and columns
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[2013, 2014], [1, 2]],
                                   names=['year', 'visit'])
columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(
    [['Bob', 'Guido', 'Sue'], ['HR', 'Temp']],names=['subject', 'type'])
# mock some data
data = np.round(np.random.randn(4, 6), 1)
data[:, ::2] *= 10
data += 37
# create the DataFrame
health_data = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index, columns=columns) 
subject Bob Guido Sue
type HR Temp HR Temp HR Temp
year visit
2013 1 52.0 36.4 38.0 36.6 32.0 38.1
2 28.0 37.7 47.0 35.4 50.0 36.4
2014 1 30.0 37.0 16.0 36.6 49.0 37.7
2 52.0 36.8 31.0 35.5 36.0 37.6
health_data.loc[:2013 , ("Bob")]
type HR Temp
year visit
2013 1 52.0 36.4
2 28.0 37.7
#health_data.loc[(:,1),["Bob"]] # can't use the tuple to define index
idx = pd.IndexSlice
health_data.loc[idx[:, 1], idx[:, 'HR']]
subject Bob Guido Sue
type HR HR HR
year visit
2013 1 52.0 38.0 32.0
2014 1 30.0 16.0 49.0

Unstacking and Stacking: a matter of dimensionality

Creating a multiIndex rather than a simple Index is like creating an extra-dimension in our dataset.

We can take for each year, a 2D sub-dataframe composed of Bob’s HR visits.

This DataFrame hence can be seen as having 4 dimensions.

we can go back and forth from a multi-index series to a dataframe using unstack, so that one of the index level occupies the extra dimension given by the transition to a DataFrame

group1  Luc        18
        René        4
        Seb        17
group2  Alex        4
        Camille     2
        Jean       23
group3  Sophie     25
dtype: int64
serie.unstack() #level -1 by default = most inner one
Alex Camille Jean Luc René Seb Sophie
group1 NaN NaN NaN 18.0 4.0 17.0 NaN
group2 4.0 2.0 23.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
group3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.0
df3 = serie.unstack(level=0)
group1 group2 group3
Alex NaN 4.0 NaN
Camille NaN 2.0 NaN
Jean NaN 23.0 NaN
Luc 18.0 NaN NaN
René 4.0 NaN NaN
Seb 17.0 NaN NaN
Sophie NaN NaN 25.0
# to reset the index and create it as a simple new column you can use reset_index()
index group1 group2 group3
0 Alex NaN 4.0 NaN
1 Camille NaN 2.0 NaN
2 Jean NaN 23.0 NaN
3 Luc 18.0 NaN NaN
4 René 4.0 NaN NaN
5 Seb 17.0 NaN NaN
6 Sophie NaN NaN 25.0

You can do some aggregation by index level (we are going to see this extensively on GroupBy section

health_data.mean(axis=1, level='type')
subject Bob Guido Sue
type HR Temp HR Temp HR Temp
2013 40.0 37.05 42.5 36.00 41.0 37.25
2014 41.0 36.90 23.5 36.05 42.5 37.65
subject Bob Guido Sue
type HR Temp HR Temp HR Temp
1 41.0 36.70 27.0 36.60 40.5 37.9
2 40.0 37.25 39.0 35.45 43.0 37.0
type HR Temp
year visit
2013 1 40.666667 37.033333
2 41.666667 36.500000
2014 1 31.666667 37.100000
2 39.666667 36.633333

Concatenating DataFrames

pd.concat is here for the rescue !

0 a b d
0 2.0 False 2.0 2.0
1 2.0 False 0.0 2.0
2 2.0 False 0.0 2.0
0 a b d
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN
pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0) # concatenate rows (default)
pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1) # concatenate columns (default)
0 a b d
0 2.0 0 2.0 2.0
1 2.0 0 0.0 2.0
2 2.0 0 0.0 2.0
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN
0 a b d 0 a b d
0 2.0 False 2.0 2.0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 2.0 False 0.0 2.0 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 2.0 False 0.0 2.0 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN

the indices are preserved, even duplicated

verify_integrity=True can check if index from each df are differents

ignore_index=True just override the indexes after concatenation by a new integer one

keys = ["source1", "source2"] leave the indexes as is but create a new outer level from the 2 different sources/df of the data concatenated

pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0, keys=["source1", "source2"])
0 a b d
source1 0 2.0 0 2.0 2.0
1 2.0 0 0.0 2.0
2 2.0 0 0.0 2.0
source2 0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN

join='inner' keeps only the columns in common from the concatenation

df2["note"] = 2
0 a b d note
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN 2
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN 2
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN 2
pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0, join='inner')
0 a b d
0 2.0 0 2.0 2.0
1 2.0 0 0.0 2.0
2 2.0 0 0.0 2.0
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN
Corentin    29
Luc         25
René        40
dtype: int64

Corentin     25%
Luc          20%
René        100%
dtype: object

Corentin      29
Luc           25
René          40
Corentin     25%
Luc          20%
René        100%
dtype: object
/Users/lucbertin/.pyenv/versions/3.5.7/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/core/ FutureWarning: Sorting because non-concatenation axis is not aligned. A future version
of pandas will change to not sort by default.

To accept the future behavior, pass 'sort=False'.

To retain the current behavior and silence the warning, pass 'sort=True'.

0 a b d note
0 2.0 0 2.0 2.0 NaN
1 2.0 0 0.0 2.0 NaN
2 2.0 0 0.0 2.0 NaN
0 NaN 5 NaN NaN 2.0
1 NaN 2 4.0 NaN 2.0
2 NaN -2 -15.0 NaN 2.0

Merging DataFrames

df_account = pd.DataFrame({'accountNumber': ["AC1", "AC2", "AC3", "AC4"],
                   'Amount': [10000, 109300, 2984, 1999],
                   'Name': ["LIVRET A", "Compte Épargne Retraite", "Quadretto", "Compte Courant"]})
df_client = pd.DataFrame({'id_account': ["AC1", "AC2", "AC3", "AC4", "AC5"],
                   'Name': ["Luc", "René", "Jean", "Jean", "Joseph"],
                   'id_client': ["ID1099", "ID1091", "ID1018", "ID1018", "ID1021"]})
Amount Name accountNumber
0 10000 LIVRET A AC1
1 109300 Compte Épargne Retraite AC2
2 2984 Quadretto AC3
3 1999 Compte Courant AC4
Name id_account id_client
0 Luc AC1 ID1099
1 René AC2 ID1091
2 Jean AC3 ID1018
3 Jean AC4 ID1018
4 Joseph AC5 ID1021
pd.merge(left=df_account, right=df_client, 
Amount Name_x accountNumber Name_y id_account id_client
0 10000 LIVRET A AC1 Luc AC1 ID1099
1 109300 Compte Épargne Retraite AC2 René AC2 ID1091
2 2984 Quadretto AC3 Jean AC3 ID1018
3 1999 Compte Courant AC4 Jean AC4 ID1018
df_merged = pd.merge(left=df_account, right=df_client, 
         suffixes=["_account", "_client"])
Amount Name_account accountNumber Name_client id_account id_client
0 10000.0 LIVRET A AC1 Luc AC1 ID1099
1 109300.0 Compte Épargne Retraite AC2 René AC2 ID1091
2 2984.0 Quadretto AC3 Jean AC3 ID1018
3 1999.0 Compte Courant AC4 Jean AC4 ID1018
4 NaN NaN NaN Joseph AC5 ID1021
# to drop the (same) column we have been merging on
df_merged.drop('id_account', axis=1)
Amount Name_account accountNumber Name_client id_client
0 10000.0 LIVRET A AC1 Luc ID1099
1 109300.0 Compte Épargne Retraite AC2 René ID1091
2 2984.0 Quadretto AC3 Jean ID1018
3 1999.0 Compte Courant AC4 Jean ID1018
4 NaN NaN NaN Joseph ID1021
#df_notes["eleve"] = (df_notes
# .eleve
# .astype("category")
# .cat.rename_categories(
#     new_categories=
#        ["eleve{}".format(i) for i in range(df_notes.eleve.nunique())]
# )


For the following sections, we are going to use real world data of students’grades from an exam I gave 😜 The data has been anonymised to fit GDPR regulation.

It has been retrieved by scrapping automatically the online web app that stores the results from each passed quizz.

You will see along the way we will need to make multiple modifications to our original data.

# !curl --help 
# option :  -o, --output <file> 
# Write to file instead of stdout
!curl -o "notes.csv"
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 21979  100 21979    0     0  66805      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 66805
df_notes = pd.read_csv("notes.csv", index_col=0)
# showing just the first n rows
# or the last n rows
eleve note groupe quizz
0 eleve0 71,43 % Unknown td1
1 eleve1 100 % Unknown td1
2 eleve4 71,43 % Unknown td1
3 eleve6 42,86 % Unknown td1
4 eleve8 57,14 % Unknown td1
eleve note groupe quizz
741 eleve174 100 % ibo5 td3
742 eleve166 66,67 % ibo5 td3
743 eleve176 83,33 % ibo5 td3
744 eleve186 100 % ibo5 td3
745 eleve196 66,67 % ibo5 td3

On a Series object

Let’s define a function to be applied for each element of a column.

def function(val):
    """A fonction to be applied on each element of a pandas DataFrame column / Series """
    # we need to return a value for each element computation
    return val.upper()
df_notes.eleve.apply(function) # the function applies on each value in the column
0        ELEVE0
1        ELEVE1
2        ELEVE4
3        ELEVE6
4        ELEVE8
741    ELEVE174
742    ELEVE166
743    ELEVE176
744    ELEVE186
745    ELEVE196
Name: eleve, Length: 746, dtype: object

behind, apply is looping on each element of the column eleve and returning a value for each of them

on a DataFrame object

We can also use the apply method on a DataFrame object, but we need to provide an axis.
applied function won’t be fed a single column element this time but a Series.
a Series whose index depends on the axis we choose !

eleve note groupe quizz
0 eleve0 71,43 % Unknown td1
1 eleve1 100 % Unknown td1
2 eleve4 71,43 % Unknown td1
3 eleve6 42,86 % Unknown td1
4 eleve8 57,14 % Unknown td1
... ... ... ... ...
741 eleve174 100 % ibo5 td3
742 eleve166 66,67 % ibo5 td3
743 eleve176 83,33 % ibo5 td3
744 eleve186 100 % ibo5 td3
745 eleve196 66,67 % ibo5 td3

746 rows × 4 columns

def function(row):
    """A fonction to be applied on each row of the DataFrame
    i.e. each row is indeed a pandas.Series object 
    passed-in the applied function at each loop iteration.
    We will need later on to use axis=1 for Series to be the rows"""
    # having a full row we can do many things to create
    if int( row["eleve"][-1] ) % 2 == 0:
        return "pair"
    return "impair"
df_notes.apply(function, axis=1)
0        pair
1      impair
2        pair
3        pair
4        pair
741      pair
742      pair
743      pair
744      pair
745      pair
Length: 746, dtype: object
def function(row):
    """Another function on rows but returning a pandas.Series each time
    i.e. then the final result will be a stack of pandas.Series along an axis or the other
    i.e. <=> a DataFrame"""
    if int( row["eleve"][-1] ) % 2 == 0:
        odd_or_even = "pair"
    odd_or_even = "impair"
    cut_note = row["note"].split(',')[0] # what precedes the comma
    return pd.Series([ odd_or_even, cut_note], index=['odd_or_even', 'cut_note'])
df_notes.apply(function, axis=1) # a pandas.Series for each row
odd_or_even cut_note
0 impair 71
1 impair 100 %
2 impair 71
3 impair 42
4 impair 57
... ... ...
741 impair 100 %
742 impair 66
743 impair 83
744 impair 100 %
745 impair 66

746 rows × 2 columns

To avoid having to define a loop we should use vectorized functions (we will talk about it later on). On integers (not the case here) use of vectorized functions can greatly improve computational speed. (C-loop)

def function(col):
    """Another function on cols this time"""
        return sum([int(x[:1]) for x in col])
        return "can't sum on this col"
    #return pd.Series([ odd_or_even, cut_note], index=['odd_or_even', 'cut_note'])
df_notes.apply(function, axis=0) # a pandas.Series for each col
eleve     can't sum on this col
note                       3053
groupe    can't sum on this col
quizz     can't sum on this col
dtype: object

Manipulating columns with strings

Back to the definition of a vectorized function: it is a function that applies on the whole sequence rather than each element as input.

This is the case for numpy functions like np.mean, np.sum, np.std which apply on a numerically valued input array as a whole, so the loop is moved from the Python-level to the C one

Numeric types include: int, float, datetime, bool, category. They exclude object dtype and can be held in contiguous memory blocks. See here too, concerning C contiguous array stored in memory when creating a numpy array.

Why are numpy operations more efficient than simple crude Python ? as we’ve seen earlier Everything in Python is an object. This includes, unlike C, numbers. Python types therefore have an overhead which does not exist with native C types. NumPy methods are usually C-based.

check here

np.vectorize is fake vectorisation. According to documentation: The vectorize function is provided primarily for convenience, not for performance. The implementation is essentially a for loop. It means there is no reazon in vectorize of function wich could be applied directly as it is in your example. Actually this could lead to degraded performance. Main goal of the “vectorize” is to hide a for loop from you code. But it will not avoid it neither change expected results.

This link provides a good an example of simple vectorization.

Numpy does not provide vectorization functions for arrays of strings.

Pandas provide vectorized str operations. Pros are that you don’t have to write any loop and can take the column/Series as a whole. Cons are that they are not actually faster than using a simply apply. String operations are inherently difficult to vectorize. Pandas treats strings as objects, and all operations on objects fall back to a slow, loopy implementation.

Already provided Pandas vectorized string methods available in .str.

df_notes["eleve"] = df_notes.eleve.str.capitalize()
eleve note groupe quizz
0 Eleve0 71,43 % Unknown td1
1 Eleve1 100 % Unknown td1
2 Eleve4 71,43 % Unknown td1
3 Eleve6 42,86 % Unknown td1
4 Eleve8 57,14 % Unknown td1
... ... ... ... ...
741 Eleve174 100 % ibo5 td3
742 Eleve166 66,67 % ibo5 td3
743 Eleve176 83,33 % ibo5 td3
744 Eleve186 100 % ibo5 td3
745 Eleve196 66,67 % ibo5 td3

746 rows × 4 columns

mask = df_notes.groupe.str.startswith("U")
0       True
1       True
2       True
3       True
4       True
741    False
742    False
743    False
744    False
745    False
Name: groupe, Length: 746, dtype: bool
eleve note groupe quizz
0 Eleve0 71,43 % Unknown td1
1 Eleve1 100 % Unknown td1
2 Eleve4 71,43 % Unknown td1
3 Eleve6 42,86 % Unknown td1
4 Eleve8 57,14 % Unknown td1
... ... ... ... ...
87 Eleve202 57,14 % Unknown td1
88 Eleve203 57,14 % Unknown td1
89 Eleve204 71,43 % Unknown td1
90 Eleve205 42,86 % Unknown td1
91 Eleve207 42,86 % Unknown td1

92 rows × 4 columns

0      [71, 43 %]
1         [100 %]
2      [71, 43 %]
3      [42, 86 %]
4      [57, 14 %]
741       [100 %]
742    [66, 67 %]
743    [83, 33 %]
744       [100 %]
745    [66, 67 %]
Name: note, Length: 746, dtype: object
 .str.replace("%","") # replace all occurences of "%" as ""
 .str.replace(",", ".") # replace all occurences of "," as "."
0       71.43
1      100.00
2       71.43
3       42.86
4       57.14
741    100.00
742     66.67
743     83.33
744    100.00
745     66.67
Name: note, Length: 746, dtype: float64
 .str.findall("(\d+),?(\d+)?") #regex to find all matching groups in each element of the Series
 .str[0] # vectorized element access in the column, works for all iterable, hence even a list in a pd.Series, 
 .str.join(".") # join the lists with "." rather than ','
 .str.rstrip('.') # take off the last dot if exists
 .astype(float) # convert to float type
0       71.43
1      100.00
2       71.43
3       42.86
4       57.14
741    100.00
742     66.67
743     83.33
744    100.00
745     66.67
Name: note, Length: 746, dtype: float64
serie_notes =\
 .str.extract("(\d+),?(\d+)?") # expand to multiple cols
 .fillna(0) # fill NaN as 0 when no matched group
 .astype(float) # convert to float
serie_notes[0] += serie_notes[1]/100
serie_notes.drop(1, axis=1,inplace=True)
df_notes.note = serie_notes
eleve note groupe quizz
0 Eleve0 71.43 Unknown td1
1 Eleve1 100.00 Unknown td1
2 Eleve4 71.43 Unknown td1
3 Eleve6 42.86 Unknown td1
4 Eleve8 57.14 Unknown td1
... ... ... ... ...
741 Eleve174 100.00 ibo5 td3
742 Eleve166 66.67 ibo5 td3
743 Eleve176 83.33 ibo5 td3
744 Eleve186 100.00 ibo5 td3
745 Eleve196 66.67 ibo5 td3

746 rows × 4 columns

Other interesting functions to mention

To compute the counts of unique values use : pd.Series.value_counts()

ibo1       117
ibo5       115
ibo7       114
Unknown     92
ibo6        85
ibo3        85
ibo4        81
ibo2        57
Name: groupe, dtype: int64

To do a binning : i.e. group a number of more or less continuous values into a smaller number of “bins”. Use `pd.cut

pd.cut(df_notes.note, bins=5) # 5 equal sized bins
0       (60.0, 80.0]
1      (80.0, 100.0]
2       (60.0, 80.0]
3       (40.0, 60.0]
4       (40.0, 60.0]
741    (80.0, 100.0]
742     (60.0, 80.0]
743    (80.0, 100.0]
744    (80.0, 100.0]
745     (60.0, 80.0]
Name: note, Length: 746, dtype: category
Categories (5, interval[float64]): [(-0.1, 20.0] < (20.0, 40.0] < (40.0, 60.0] < (60.0, 80.0] < (80.0, 100.0]]
pd.cut(df_notes.note, bins=[0, 50, 75, 100])
0       (50, 75]
1      (75, 100]
2       (50, 75]
3        (0, 50]
4       (50, 75]
741    (75, 100]
742     (50, 75]
743    (75, 100]
744    (75, 100]
745     (50, 75]
Name: note, Length: 746, dtype: category
Categories (3, interval[int64]): [(0, 50] < (50, 75] < (75, 100]]
    pd.cut(df_notes.note, bins=[0, 50, 75, 100], labels=["Bad"])
except Exception as e:
Bin labels must be one fewer than the number of bin edges
df_notes['appreciation'] = pd.cut(df_notes.note, bins=[0, 25, 50, 75, 100], labels=["Very Bad", "Bad", "Ok", "Good"])
0        Ok
1      Good
2        Ok
3       Bad
4        Ok
741    Good
742      Ok
743    Good
744    Good
745      Ok
Name: note, Length: 746, dtype: category
Categories (4, object): [Very Bad < Bad < Ok < Good]

GroupBy !

eleve note groupe quizz
0 Eleve0 71.43 Unknown td1
1 Eleve1 100.00 Unknown td1
2 Eleve4 71.43 Unknown td1

Groupby applies the “split, apply, combine” method.

  • We first have to use a key to groupby, i.e. a column of different labels that will serve to split the main df into different subsets (one for each label in the concerned column), just as we would do a GROUP BY in SQL syntax.
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x1187d9a90>

No computation is done yet

This result in a DataFrameGroupBy object we can iterate on.

for name_group, group in df_notes.groupby('groupe'):
    # the label used , the df subset (one for each label)
    print( "label used {}, dataframe shape {}".format(name_group,group.shape)) 
label used Unknown, dataframe shape (92, 4)
label used ibo1, dataframe shape (117, 4)
label used ibo2, dataframe shape (57, 4)
label used ibo3, dataframe shape (85, 4)
label used ibo4, dataframe shape (81, 4)
label used ibo5, dataframe shape (115, 4)
label used ibo6, dataframe shape (85, 4)
label used ibo7, dataframe shape (114, 4)
  • Notice that we are not limited by grouping over one column keys.
for name_group, group in df_notes.groupby(['groupe', "quizz"]):
    # the label used , the df subset (one for each label)
    print( "label used {}, dataframe shape {}".format(name_group,group.shape)) 
label used ('Unknown', 'td1'), dataframe shape (92, 4)
label used ('ibo1', 'td1'), dataframe shape (30, 4)
label used ('ibo1', 'td2'), dataframe shape (30, 4)
label used ('ibo1', 'td3'), dataframe shape (27, 4)
label used ('ibo1', 'td4'), dataframe shape (30, 4)
label used ('ibo2', 'td2'), dataframe shape (30, 4)
label used ('ibo2', 'td3'), dataframe shape (27, 4)
label used ('ibo3', 'td2'), dataframe shape (30, 4)
label used ('ibo3', 'td3'), dataframe shape (27, 4)
label used ('ibo3', 'td4'), dataframe shape (28, 4)
label used ('ibo4', 'td2'), dataframe shape (27, 4)
label used ('ibo4', 'td3'), dataframe shape (28, 4)
label used ('ibo4', 'td4'), dataframe shape (26, 4)
label used ('ibo5', 'td1'), dataframe shape (27, 4)
label used ('ibo5', 'td2'), dataframe shape (30, 4)
label used ('ibo5', 'td3'), dataframe shape (28, 4)
label used ('ibo5', 'td4'), dataframe shape (30, 4)
label used ('ibo6', 'td2'), dataframe shape (29, 4)
label used ('ibo6', 'td3'), dataframe shape (28, 4)
label used ('ibo6', 'td4'), dataframe shape (28, 4)
label used ('ibo7', 'td1'), dataframe shape (29, 4)
label used ('ibo7', 'td2'), dataframe shape (28, 4)
label used ('ibo7', 'td3'), dataframe shape (28, 4)
label used ('ibo7', 'td4'), dataframe shape (29, 4)

This results in a mutli-index with:

  • level0 = the group
  • level1 = the quizz number

We can also index the GroupByDataFrame object by retrieving one Series (again no computation is done yet)

df_notes.groupby(['groupe', "quizz"])["note"]
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x1188bdeb8>
for name_group, group in df_notes.groupby(['groupe', "quizz"])["note"]:
    print( "label used {}, \n{} shape {}".format(name_group, type(group), group.shape)) 
label used ('Unknown', 'td1'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (92,)
label used ('ibo1', 'td1'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (30,)
label used ('ibo1', 'td2'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (30,)
label used ('ibo1', 'td3'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (27,)
label used ('ibo1', 'td4'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (30,)
label used ('ibo2', 'td2'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (30,)
label used ('ibo2', 'td3'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (27,)
label used ('ibo3', 'td2'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (30,)
label used ('ibo3', 'td3'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (27,)
label used ('ibo3', 'td4'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (28,)
label used ('ibo4', 'td2'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (27,)
label used ('ibo4', 'td3'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (28,)
label used ('ibo4', 'td4'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (26,)
label used ('ibo5', 'td1'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (27,)
label used ('ibo5', 'td2'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (30,)
label used ('ibo5', 'td3'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (28,)
label used ('ibo5', 'td4'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (30,)
label used ('ibo6', 'td2'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (29,)
label used ('ibo6', 'td3'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (28,)
label used ('ibo6', 'td4'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (28,)
label used ('ibo7', 'td1'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (29,)
label used ('ibo7', 'td2'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (28,)
label used ('ibo7', 'td3'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (28,)
label used ('ibo7', 'td4'), 
<class 'pandas.core.series.Series'> shape (29,)

Aggregation functions

We can now think about the “apply, combine” part

eleve      object
note      float64
groupe     object
quizz      object
dtype: object

Pandas provides us some functions to be applied on a dataframe or Series (.mean(), .sum(), .std(), .describe(), .min(), etc…), we can seemlessly append one of them to the GroupBy Object to operate on each of the subsets DataFrames/Series created on the split step (this is the apply step).

After applying the function to each split, a combined result is returned, in the form of a Series object or DataFrame.

Note that for those aggregating functions reduce the shape of the data e.g. summing or meaning on a Series result in a scalar (the sum or the mean), this will be operated over each Series groups from the split step.

Unknown    63.664022
ibo1       87.337607
ibo2       97.251053
ibo3       86.418824
ibo4       87.953580
ibo5       80.288957
ibo6       83.484000
ibo7       86.402456
Name: note, dtype: float64
df_notes.groupby(['groupe', 'quizz'])["note"].mean()
groupe   quizz
Unknown  td1      63.664022
ibo1     td1      67.618000
         td2      94.666667
         td3      90.739630
         td4      96.666333
ibo2     td2      98.666667
         td3      95.678148
ibo3     td2      88.666667
         td3      88.887037
         td4      81.630357
ibo4     td2      87.407407
         td3      87.500000
         td4      89.009231
ibo5     td1      53.967407
         td2      90.000000
         td3      90.475714
         td4      84.759667
ibo6     td2      90.344828
         td3      83.332857
         td4      76.529286
ibo7     td1      74.875517
         td2      85.714286
         td3      94.642500
         td4      90.637931
Name: note, dtype: float64

as we get a hierarchical index we can unstack to make use of the dimensionality brought by column indexesm

quizz td1 td2 td3 td4
Unknown 63.664022 NaN NaN NaN
ibo1 67.618000 94.666667 90.739630 96.666333
ibo2 NaN 98.666667 95.678148 NaN
ibo3 NaN 88.666667 88.887037 81.630357
ibo4 NaN 87.407407 87.500000 89.009231
ibo5 53.967407 90.000000 90.475714 84.759667
ibo6 NaN 90.344828 83.332857 76.529286
ibo7 74.875517 85.714286 94.642500 90.637931

Something is unusual? why is there NaN? some class groups should have grades for each quizz.

eleve     0
note      0
groupe    0
quizz     0
dtype: int64

though all the data seems complete…

df_notes.isnull().apply(sum, axis=0)
eleve     0
note      0
groupe    0
quizz     0
dtype: int64

Notice the Unknown group, we should look more into this…

df_notes[df_notes.groupe == "Unknown"]
eleve note groupe quizz appreciation
0 Eleve0 71.43 Unknown td1 Ok
1 Eleve1 100.00 Unknown td1 Good
2 Eleve4 71.43 Unknown td1 Ok
3 Eleve6 42.86 Unknown td1 Bad
4 Eleve8 57.14 Unknown td1 Ok
... ... ... ... ... ...
87 Eleve202 57.14 Unknown td1 Ok
88 Eleve203 57.14 Unknown td1 Ok
89 Eleve204 71.43 Unknown td1 Ok
90 Eleve205 42.86 Unknown td1 Bad
91 Eleve207 42.86 Unknown td1 Bad

92 rows × 5 columns


To apply multiple aggregate functions at once using a list of the functions you want to apply in aggregate

df_notes.groupby('quizz').agg({'note': ['max', min]})
max min
td1 100.0 0.00
td2 100.0 40.00
td3 100.0 50.00
td4 100.0 42.86

this results in a multi column index

MultiIndex([('note', 'max'),
            ('note', 'min')],

Grouping by students, we may have more insight.

# applied on all columns (where the function can be used on) for each subset
note groupe quizz
Eleve0 [71.43, 80.0, 100.0] [Unknown, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3]
Eleve1 [100.0, 100.0, 100.0] [Unknown, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3]
Eleve10 [100.0, 100.0, 85.71, 71.43] [ibo7, ibo7, ibo7, ibo7] [td3, td2, td4, td1]
Eleve100 [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 85.71] [ibo7, ibo7, ibo7, ibo7] [td3, td2, td4, td1]
Eleve101 [100.0, 100.0, 85.71, 100.0] [ibo7, ibo7, ibo7, ibo7] [td3, td2, td4, td1]
... ... ... ...
Eleve95 [85.71, 100.0, 100.0] [Unknown, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3]
Eleve96 [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 42.86] [ibo1, ibo1, ibo1, ibo1] [td4, td3, td2, td1]
Eleve97 [28.57, 85.71, 83.33, 60.0] [Unknown, ibo4, ibo4, ibo4] [td1, td4, td3, td2]
Eleve98 [42.86, 85.71, 100.0, 100.0] [Unknown, ibo4, ibo4, ibo4] [td1, td4, td3, td2]
Eleve99 [71.43, 100.0, 100.0] [Unknown, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3]

208 rows × 3 columns

Some students are known, but are not always written as such.


sometimes we want the “apply-combine” steps to avoid reducing the data size but compute for each data record something based on some intra-group/splits caracteristics

Here we would want for example to group by students and replace Unknown fields by the correct information from the other students record.

eleve note groupe quizz
0 Eleve0 71.43 ibo2 td1
1 Eleve1 100.00 ibo2 td1
2 Eleve4 71.43 ibo2 td1
3 Eleve6 42.86 ibo6 td1
4 Eleve8 57.14 ibo4 td1
... ... ... ... ...
741 Eleve174 100.00 ibo5 td3
742 Eleve166 66.67 ibo5 td3
743 Eleve176 83.33 ibo5 td3
744 Eleve186 100.00 ibo5 td3
745 Eleve196 66.67 ibo5 td3

746 rows × 4 columns

df_notes.replace({"Unknown":np.nan}, inplace=True)
df_notes["groupe"] = df_notes.groupby('eleve')['groupe'].transform(lambda x: x.bfill().ffill())
note groupe quizz appreciation
Eleve0 [71.43, 80.0, 100.0] [ibo2, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3] [Ok, Good, Good]
Eleve1 [100.0, 100.0, 100.0] [ibo2, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3] [Good, Good, Good]
Eleve10 [100.0, 100.0, 85.71, 71.43] [ibo7, ibo7, ibo7, ibo7] [td3, td2, td4, td1] [Good, Good, Good, Ok]
Eleve100 [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 85.71] [ibo7, ibo7, ibo7, ibo7] [td3, td2, td4, td1] [Good, Good, Good, Good]
Eleve101 [100.0, 100.0, 85.71, 100.0] [ibo7, ibo7, ibo7, ibo7] [td3, td2, td4, td1] [Good, Good, Good, Good]
... ... ... ... ...
Eleve95 [85.71, 100.0, 100.0] [ibo2, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3] [Good, Good, Good]
Eleve96 [100.0, 100.0, 100.0, 42.86] [ibo1, ibo1, ibo1, ibo1] [td4, td3, td2, td1] [Good, Good, Good, Bad]
Eleve97 [28.57, 85.71, 83.33, 60.0] [ibo4, ibo4, ibo4, ibo4] [td1, td4, td3, td2] [Bad, Good, Good, Ok]
Eleve98 [42.86, 85.71, 100.0, 100.0] [ibo4, ibo4, ibo4, ibo4] [td1, td4, td3, td2] [Bad, Good, Good, Good]
Eleve99 [71.43, 100.0, 100.0] [ibo2, ibo2, ibo2] [td1, td2, td3] [Ok, Good, Good]

208 rows × 4 columns

Let’s check if we still have some NAs?

df_notes.groupby(['groupe', 'quizz'])["note"].mean().unstack()
quizz td1 td2 td3 td4
ibo1 67.618000 94.666667 90.739630 96.666333
ibo2 76.846207 98.666667 95.678148 NaN
ibo3 40.002000 88.666667 88.887037 81.630357
ibo4 56.632500 87.407407 87.500000 89.009231
ibo5 53.967407 90.000000 90.475714 84.759667
ibo6 61.427667 90.344828 83.332857 76.529286
ibo7 74.875517 85.714286 94.642500 90.637931

Seems better !

df_notes[(df_notes.groupe == 'ibo2') & (df_notes.quizz == 'td4')]
eleve note groupe quizz

seems we don’t have data for the exam number 4 fro this group (which had been cancelled due too large manifestations in Paris which lead to postpone the session too late.)

df_notes = df_notes[~(df_notes.quizz=='td4')]

Pivot Table

df_notes.groupby(['groupe', 'quizz'])["note"].mean().unstack()
quizz td1 td2 td3
ibo1 67.618000 94.666667 90.739630
ibo2 76.846207 98.666667 95.678148
ibo3 40.002000 88.666667 88.887037
ibo4 56.632500 87.407407 87.500000
ibo5 53.967407 90.000000 90.475714
ibo6 61.427667 90.344828 83.332857
ibo7 74.875517 85.714286 94.642500
df_notes.pivot_table('note', index='groupe', columns='quizz', margins=True)
quizz td1 td2 td3 All
ibo1 67.618000 94.666667 90.739630 84.120805
ibo2 76.846207 98.666667 95.678148 90.370349
ibo3 40.002000 88.666667 88.887037 84.838065
ibo4 56.632500 87.407407 87.500000 77.056747
ibo5 53.967407 90.000000 90.475714 78.711059
ibo6 61.427667 90.344828 83.332857 78.116667
ibo7 74.875517 85.714286 94.642500 84.957412
All 64.686180 90.882353 90.154715 82.528696
results = df_notes.pivot_table(index='groupe', columns='quizz', 
                     aggfunc={"note":['max', min]})
max min
quizz td1 td2 td3 td1 td2 td3
ibo1 100.00 100.0 100.0 28.57 80.0 50.00
ibo2 100.00 100.0 100.0 42.86 80.0 83.33
ibo3 57.14 100.0 100.0 14.29 40.0 66.67
ibo4 100.00 100.0 100.0 0.00 40.0 66.67
ibo5 85.71 100.0 100.0 0.00 60.0 50.00
ibo6 100.00 100.0 100.0 28.57 40.0 50.00
ibo7 100.00 100.0 100.0 28.57 40.0 66.67
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (20, 10)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11d11eba8>

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11ddc1cc0>

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11d1b4908>

     .unstack().plot(kind='bar', stacked=True))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11ef2ff98>

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11ee1d7f0>

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11d5a9128>

eleve note groupe quizz appreciation
75 Eleve183 0.0 ibo4 td1 NaN
525 Eleve111 0.0 ibo5 td1 NaN

missing grades for students. Final question should be…
What should we put in fillna for them 😉 ?

Just an interesting link on representation of the data

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Written by Luc
Hi, my name is Luc. To me, code is art and i love coding in Python, hence the website !