Some exercices following tutorial Discover Pandas to make you more comfortable with the concepts.
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Base de données accidents corporels de la circulation
data.gouv est une plateforme de diffusion de données publiques de l’État français lancée en 2011. est développé par Etalab, une mission placée sous l’autorité du Premier ministre.
Pour cet exercice nous allons utiliser quelques données tabulaires (format CSV) sur les accidents corporels liés de la circulation.
Voici les 3 url vers les CSV correspondants que nous allons exploiter.
url_usagers2017 = ""
url_lieux2017 = ""
url_caracteristiques2017 = ""
1. ••• Open the CSVs whose urls are given above, store the DataFrames
in variables usagers2017
, lieux2017
, caracteristiques2017
2. ••• Show the 10 first lines of usagers2017
3. ••• Show the 10 last lines of caracteristiques2017
4. ••• How many lines does caracteristiques2017
contain ?
5. ••• How many column does caracteristiques2017
contain ?
6. ••• Show the dtype of each column of usagers2017
. Same for caracteristiques2017
7. ••• Does Num_Acc
in usager2017
contain duplicated values ? What about Num_Acc
in caracteristiques2017
? Hint: duplicated()
8. ••• Conclude on the type of relationship if we were to join catacteristiques2017
and usagers2017
on Num_Acc
( one-to-one? one-to-many? many-to-many?)
9. ••• Replace all values “1” and “2” in column sexe
by Homme
and Femme
10. ••• Show women who had experienced accidents.
11. ••• Replace each integers in grav
(gravité de l’accident) column by their corresponding mapping.
1 - Indemne
2 - Tué
3 - Blessé hospitalisé
4 - Blessé léger
12. ••• Same for catu
(catégorie d’usagers) column
1 - Conducteur
2 - Passager
3 - Piéton
4 - Piéton en roller ou en trottinette
99 - Autre véhicule
13. ••• Show the counts for each distinct values in grav
14. ••• Plot it.
15. ••• Show the counts for each distinct values in catu
16. ••• Find women who had mild accidents (“Indemne” or “Blessé léger”, but not more severe!).
Hint: you can use masking and save in an intermediate variable for clean code.
17. ••• Show the number of accidents by sexe
AND grav
18. ••• Using GroupBy
19. Using a Pivot Table
20. ••• Display it in the form of a stacked bar-chart.
21. ••• Do a merge between usagers2017
and caracteristiques2017
on Num_Acc
22. Is there any new value in Num_Acc
in the final merged table compared to either of table that has been used for merging ? (e.g. does Num_acc
has a value that does not exist in usagers2017
but does exist in caracteristiques2017
, or the other way around)
Hint: DataFrame.equals(other)
This function allows two Series or DataFrames to be compared against each other to see if they have the same shape and elements
23. ••• Count missing values in each column of caracteristiques2017
. Hint: .isnull()
24. Filter the results only by taking the columns having more than 0 missing values + sorted by decreasing number of them.
25. Show the same number of missing values as a pourcentage of the total number of values (lines).
26. ••• Select the accidents who took place in Paris county (département <=> “750” in the table)
27. ••• Plot the map/the maps of accidents by gravity in Paris county.
28. Plot a graph that “shows graphically” the importance of missing values in each column of the dataset.
Let’s play with the dates
29. Rename the columns:
- ‘jour’ as ‘day’
- ‘mois’ as ‘month’
- ‘an’ as ‘year’